Selected Supply Chain Cluster Research Projects
Theory of Non-Market Mechanism Design and Economic Policies
Non-market mechanism design is a discipline that studies the formulation of effective rules and mechanisms in non-market environments. When traditional market mechanisms are not fully applicable, non-market mechanism design provides a theoretical and practical framework for addressing classic issues in public policy, organizational management, and resource allocation.

Joint Initial Stocking and Transshipment of Multi-Location Systems: Optimality Analysis and Low-Regret Heuristics
Matching customer demand and supply efficiently and effectively is often the goal of supply chain management, which, however, is challenging due to demand uncertainties. Meanwhile, with prevalent outsourcing/offshoring, many firms have their production facilities or suppliers located far away from their product markets, resulting in long supply lead times or high fixed ordering costs.

Service Management
Simple Policies for Managing Remanufacturing Inventory Systems with Demand-Dependent Product Returns
Remanufacturing industry is an integral part of the circular economy and is expanding rapidly attributed to technical advances like additive manufacturing, data analytics, and IoT. A remanufacturing firm collects product returns (cores) from end users or brokers and remanufactures them into serviceable products to fill demand.

Dynamic Pricing for Product Trade-In Programs with Customer Choice
Managing Complex Warehouse Systems in the E-Business Era
With rapid growth of E-commerce in China and in the world, warehouse management is facing an increasing number of new issues and challenges. This project focuses on two main classes of research problems: joint management of inventory and warehousing rental; product assortment and replenishment in fast-picking area.

Managing Complex Warehouse Systems in the E-Business Era
With rapid growth of E-commerce in China and in the world, warehouse management is facing an increasing number of new issues and challenges. This project focuses on two main classes of research problems: joint management of inventory and warehousing rental; product assortment and replenishment in fast-picking area.

Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic Remanufacturing Inventory Systems
Closed-loop supply chain management has gained great momentum in both practice and academic research because of an increasing awareness of sustainable development. Remanufacturing is a key operation in closed-loop supply chain management, which restores returned products to like-new condition and then resells them to satisfy customer demand.