Selected Research Projects

Assortment Optimization with Distributionally Uncertainty

Project-in-charge: Prof. Daniel Long
Project duration: January 2024 – December 2026

The focus of this project is the assortment optimization problem, where the retailer needs to choose a set of products to offer to customers from some available products. By selecting the assortment, which would affect customers’ purchase choice, the retailer aims to obtain a high expected revenue. The assortment optimization problem has been receiving substantial attention due to its ubiquity in the retailing industry.


Supermodularity in Two Stage Distributionally Robust Optimization

Project-in-charge: Prof. Daniel Long
Project duration: January 2020 – June 2024

The two-stage optimization problem is widely applicable and can capture a broad class of practical problems as special cases. However, since it involves a functional optimization in the second stage, the two-stage problem is generally computationally intractable. Typical approaches explore structures in the uncertainty model or rely on sub-optimal solutions. Here, we aim to exploit a special structure—supermodularity—embedded in a class of two-stage problems.


Target-Oriented Distributionally Robust Optimization and Its Application

Project-in-charge: Prof. Daniel Long
Project duration: 2019 – 2022

Meeting or missing financial targets is a key performance metric for firms. In this project, we incorporate target performance metrics into the distributionally robust optimization framework, which deals with decision-making under limited information on the underlying distribution.

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