Selected Research Projects
Assortment Optimization with Distributionally Uncertainty
The focus of this project is the assortment optimization problem, where the retailer needs to choose a set of products to offer to customers from some available products. By selecting the assortment, which would affect customers’ purchase choice, the retailer aims to obtain a high expected revenue. The assortment optimization problem has been receiving substantial attention due to its ubiquity in the retailing industry.

Supermodularity in Two Stage Distributionally Robust Optimization
The two-stage optimization problem is widely applicable and can capture a broad class of practical problems as special cases. However, since it involves a functional optimization in the second stage, the two-stage problem is generally computationally intractable. Typical approaches explore structures in the uncertainty model or rely on sub-optimal solutions. Here, we aim to exploit a special structure—supermodularity—embedded in a class of two-stage problems.

Target-Oriented Distributionally Robust Optimization and Its Application
Intelligent Email Agent for Apparel Trading Using Natural Language Processing
The project aims at developing an intelligent email agent for automatically understanding the email communications with the customers targeting sample order commitment in the apparel trading industry in Hong Kong. Apparel trading companies are spending intensive manpower for processing emails, performing appropriate actions, and constructing response emails.

Theory of Non-Market Mechanism Design and Economic Policies
Non-market mechanism design is a discipline that studies the formulation of effective rules and mechanisms in non-market environments. When traditional market mechanisms are not fully applicable, non-market mechanism design provides a theoretical and practical framework for addressing classic issues in public policy, organizational management, and resource allocation.

Joint Initial Stocking and Transshipment of Multi-Location Systems: Optimality Analysis and Low-Regret Heuristics
Matching customer demand and supply efficiently and effectively is often the goal of supply chain management, which, however, is challenging due to demand uncertainties. Meanwhile, with prevalent outsourcing/offshoring, many firms have their production facilities or suppliers located far away from their product markets, resulting in long supply lead times or high fixed ordering costs.

Service Management
Simple Policies for Managing Remanufacturing Inventory Systems with Demand-Dependent Product Returns
Remanufacturing industry is an integral part of the circular economy and is expanding rapidly attributed to technical advances like additive manufacturing, data analytics, and IoT. A remanufacturing firm collects product returns (cores) from end users or brokers and remanufactures them into serviceable products to fill demand.

Dynamic Pricing for Product Trade-In Programs with Customer Choice
Action Plan on Modern Logistics Development
As announced in the 2022 Policy Address, the Government is formulating an action plan on modern logistics development (“the Action Plan”), with a view to devising short, medium and long term development strategies to further promote the high-end and high value added modern logistics development.

Requirements and Constraints in Enabling the Development of Helicopter Services in the Greater Bay Area
The objective of the study is to conduct a detailed assessment on the requirements and constraints in enabling the development of cross-boundary helicopter services between Hong Kong downtown/HKIA and other GBA cities. Amongst others, the assessment projected the future demands for such cross-boundary helicopter services, reviewed the potential constraints and provided recommendations on the overall development strategy.

Establishing IoT-empowered Hospitality Zense Reference Framework
Application of IoT in industries such as manufacturing, transportation, and healthcare are quite common. Yet the adoption of the technology in the hospitality and tourism industry is relatively slow. The objective of the project is to establish a first reference framework for the hospitality industry in the adoption of IoT technology in hospitality services.

IoT-Augmented Airfield Service System (AS2)
The Centre of Cyber Logistics under the Asian Institute of Supply Chains & Logistics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong was commissioned by the Airport Authority Hong Kong to develop the “Internet of Things (IoT)-Augmented Airfield Service System” (AS2), which has been piloted at the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) to assist in the best use of apron facilities.

Dynamic Pricing in Dual-Channel Supply Chains with Strategic Consumers
The aim of this project is to conduct research to study dynamic pricing and channel structures for the supply chains facing strategic consumers. With the emergence and popularity of e-commerce, many firms nowadays sell their product via both brick-and-mortar and on-line stores in order to capture more of the market demand. Meanwhile, consumers are getting more sophisticated in deliberately delaying their purchasing when waiting for markdowns, and this has particularly been so during the recent economic downturn. Thus, it is imperative for firms to study the impact of channel structures and to design an effective pricing strategy to alleviate the negative impact of strategic purchasing behavior and improve their profitability.

Managing Complex Warehouse Systems in the E-Business Era
With rapid growth of E-commerce in China and in the world, warehouse management is facing an increasing number of new issues and challenges. This project focuses on two main classes of research problems: joint management of inventory and warehousing rental; product assortment and replenishment in fast-picking area. These problems are challenging in that they are usually dynamic in time and include uncertain factors. We will construct quantitative models to describe the practical problems and conduct thorough analysis of these models so as to derive their structural properties. Based on these properties, we will characterize the optimal control policies of the systems, such as warehouse space rental, inventory replenishment, product assortment.

Network epidemiology modeling of dynamic human behaviors for controlling hospital acquired diseases
The SARS epidemic in 2003 was traced back to an outbreak in a hospital in Hong Kong. In 2013, a Frenchman died of a SARS-like virus. He got infected while he was sharing a common hospital room with an infective. To ensure public health, we need a further understanding of human interaction dynamics in a hospital environment and a deeper investigation of nosocomial infections for effective and efficient control strategies. This research leverages our recent work in the active RFID traceability technologies. Our system is developed with the capability to determine the indoor location of an active tag. This system was installed inside two wards (11A & 11C) of Prince of Wales Hospital for a 4-month formal pilot study with patient and medical staff participation to improve patient care.

Developing a novel and cost-effective tree guard monitoring system against illegal pruning, fire and tree/wood smuggling
This project aims to develop a Tree Guard Monitoring System (TGMS), which is an automatic, continuous and scalable monitoring system against possible tree theft from places ranging from public country parks to institutional managed properties and to private gardens. The Tree Guard Monitoring System will provide the functions of tree theft prevention, protection and monitoring to aid the tree management teams to devise proactive and reactive measures to safe guard trees. It is especially vital to protect endangered tree species such as Aquilaria Sinensis and Buddhist Pine, which have special values in black markets.

Heteromorphism: Beaconing Isomorphism to Unique Capabilities
IT innovations are critical for firms to be successful and remain competitive among peers. Quite often, institutional pressure is a major reason to innovate with IT. The literature suggests that institutional pressure leads to numerous mindless IT adoptions that results in isomorphic IT innovations. Institutional pressure can excel IT diffusion, yet it is difficult for firms to derive competitive advantages from isomorphic IT innovations, which forces firms to look and function alike. However, there are observed exceptions of successful cases, in which firms jump on the bandwagon and are still able to develop unique capabilities based on the adopted technology.

Approximation Algorithms for Stochastic Remanufacturing Inventory Systems
Closed-loop supply chain management has gained great momentum in both practice and academic research because of an increasing awareness of sustainable development. With the rising costs of energy and raw materials, more and more companies are now considering closed-loop supply chain management a strategic activity that can lower production and inventory costs and improve profitability. One important operation in closed-loop supply chain management is remanufacturing, which restores returned products to like-new condition and then resell them to satisfy customer demand. Examples of remanufactured products include automotive parts, tires, electronics products, photocopiers, toner cartridges, among others.

Game theory for network planning under uncertainty
The objective is to develop methodology for planning of telecommunication networks under risk and uncertainty and for closely related problem of evaluation of industrial projects in telecommunications dealing with development of high speed multiservice telecommunication networks under uncertainty. In order to achieve this aim we are going to adapt and further develop the advanced methods of operations research specifically developed for decision support under uncertainty and in particular recently emerged optimization techniques known under the name of stochastic programming. Important component of this objective is to train young researchers which will be capable to work on these topics further.

Design Theory and Design Artifact for Third Party E-service
e-Service is of integrative importance in the e-business world. Its evolution can be traced to the beginning where service is rendered per user per site as a physical entity – software in a box. Conducting business online is now of a common practice rather than an exception in the integrative era, e-service, either as ASP, SaaS or as other service manifests, will continue to prevail as the trademark of developers for applications delivery. Yet, single-client e-services do not have provision to serve collaborative clients at the same time, and the interaction that may require with each other.

RFID-based Enabling Technology for On-Target Visibility in Garment Supply Chains
The garment industry has significant contribution to the HK economy. The industry competes very much on supply chain efficiency and effectiveness. RFID technology enables on-target visibility in supply chains beyond sight-to-sight expectation. This project guides and sets guiding standards for RFID adoption in the garment supply chain industry. The objective is to develop and deploy innovative use of RFID technology enabling on-target visibility. High visibility in general is an impetus to effective information management leading to efficiency in collaborative chain performance. While on-target visibility provides not only about goods in process and in transit, but synchronized real-time on-target movement of goods, safeguarding against logistics risk and uncertainty.

Strategic Re-positioning on Direct Transportation Link between China and Taiwan: Case Studies and Analysis
With the effects of Direct Transportation Link, the intermediate role of Hong Kong will be carefully examined. Our project study focuses on the cargo movement and trade within Greater China (China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong) and between Greater China and overseas through data analysis, interviews and case studies. In this study, six focus groups including 3PLs-sea, 3PLs-air, Shippers in China and Hong Kong are identified respectively. Various challenges faced by these groups will be studied from different perspectives.